


  • by Administrator
  • 03-02-2022

SEEKING a tasty alternative to the traditional toastie? Look no further.

The humble cheese toastie is a classic lunchtime favourite. And when it’s served with a hot bowl of soup there really is nothing better. The humdrum plain cheese toastie can become a little boring after a while. So, let’s look at some off-beat alternatives to inject some excitement into the traditional toastie.


Honey, Banana and Cheese Toastie

Banana and cheese have always paired well on a warm and freshly buttered slice of toast. But what about combining the two to make a delicious banana and cheese toastie? This unique breakfast snack is perfect for those looking for something a little different to start their day.

This might otherwise be considered an indulgent breakfast, but by using Fit Cheese, which is low in saturated fat, you can eaten it with a clean conscience.



  • Fit Cheese sliced
  • Butter
  • 2 slices of bread (brown sourdough is my favourite)
  • 1 whole banana sliced
  • 1 tsp of honey
  • 1 tsp of peanut butter (optional)

Our recipe is easy to make and can be done even if you’re running a bit late for work, so no excuses.



To get started, spread a generous amount of butter to your slices of sourdough.

(Quick tip: to stop the bread sticking to your frying pan and add a delicious crust on top, butter the outside of your bread)

Next, place your sliced Fit Cheese and banana onto your bread, drizzling the honey on top to finish.

I also love to spread a thin layer of peanut butter on the inside of the sourdough slices, adding another dimension of flavour to what is already a mouth-watering toastie.

Following this, heat your frying pan to medium heat and cook each side of your toastie until golden brown.

Lastly, enjoy warm with your favourite cup of coffee. Or while you’re running to catch your train.


Cheesy Beano Toastie

The cheesy beano is a Scottish staple and makes a brilliant lazy dinner after a busy day at work. But what’s better than the traditional cheesy beano? A spiced-up cheesy beano toastie, perhaps?


  • Fit Cheese finely grated
  • Butter
  • 2 slices of bread (for this toastie I find a traditional white loaf works best) · 1/2 a can of your favourite baked beans, I think the Heinz Fiery Chilli Beanz work as a delicious alternative if you’re looking to jazz your toastie up a bit!


To start, warm your beans on low to medium heat and spread a generous amount of butter on all four sides of your bread.

Next, place half of your warm beans on one side of your bread. Then add a good handful of your finely grated Fit Cheese (our delicious dairy cheddar) on top.

Then (precariously), place your bean-filled toastie onto your frying pan at medium heat and wait for it to turn a golden-brown colour.

(Quick tip: avoid pressing the toastie too hard as the contents are likely to try and escape)

Lastly, remove from the pan and enjoy.


Pineapple, Ham and Chilli Toastie

We’ve all been asked our thoughts on pineapple as a pizza topping. For some, it’s a red flag; for others, it’s a classic retro combination.

At Fit Cheese, we believe that pineapple works just as well in a toastie as it does on pizza. In fact, we think our cheddar pairs perfectly with pineapple, and so we have created a delicious toastie in homage to this classic pairing.


  • Fit Cheese finely grated
  • Butter
  • 2 slices of bread (a classic wholemeal loaf tastes the best, I think)
  • 2 slices of ham
  • Thinly sliced pineapple
  • 1 tsp of sweet chilli jam


Spread some of your butter on all four sides of your bread.

Next, spread a good layer of finely grated Fit Cheese evenly across one side of your bread; add your pineapple slices and then finish with a good helping of your sweet chilli jam.

(Quick tip: if you like spicy food, why not add some finely sliced chillies to your filling)

Following this, place your toastie onto a frying pan at a medium heat and then patiently wait for a golden-brown crust to form.

Lastly, remove from the heat and enjoy this controversial pairing.


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Marlow Road,
Bisham, Bucks SL7 1RR

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