
Fit cheese is made in a family-owned dairy to a traditional cheddar making process.

Yes, Fit Cheese is Cholesterol free as it is made with skimmed milk instead of full fat milk.

When you order via our online shop your product will arrive with six months shelf life as a minimum.

No, we only have a best before date.

Fit Cheese is available from our online shop www.fitcheese.co.uk/shop.html and through Amazon.

Fit Cheese replaces the saturated fat with unsatuarted fat that is good for the body and the fat is key to Fit Cheese melting and grating like normal cheddar.

We produce Fit Cheese to a recipe at a BRC accredited dairy.

As Fit Cheese is Cholesterol Free rather than Cholestrol reducing there is no need to consult your GP, it compliments the statins.


25, Bisham Village,
Marlow Road,
Bisham, Bucks SL7 1RR


M: 07545 454 107

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